Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bird? *points finger*

Keira's vocabulary is basically limited to two words. One is "Bird". The other is "Bich". (She swears that there's no T in that one...) So, to show her what birds look like, we took Keira to feed the ducks at the Oak Hill Park in Danville. She had a fantastic time watching the ducks crowd around chasing down the little crumbs. Ironic, the little crumbsnatcher watching other crumbsnatchers snatch crumbs.

And yeah, it was cold - you can tell in the picture with Da-Da that she wasn't having much fun when she was outside her little blanket cocoon of a stroller.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Pics

So for Christmas, and what we hope to be a continued tradition, I made a "digital scrapbook" for Kristina, grabbing the best photos over the year and putting them into one big digital negative that I could then slap into a scrapbook size (12"x12") album. It's like scrapbooking without all the gluesticks and mess, and gives me a reason to play with photoshop. Click on the pics for the full size images...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And while we're uploading videos...

We made a video for baby when she was still chillin' in her very first crib (mommy), and this was the intro we made for her "life before Keira" video. She didn't have a name at the time, so we just called her OohLaLa. Wanted her to know what kinda crazy dog it was that she was to so mercilessly chase around the house and pester.

So to test the video capabilities of Blogspot, thought I'd post this quick one. This is taken using a new video Flip we received for christmas. Easy, quick to upload, and fun!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas night sighting...

Keira got her first glimpse of santa this year. She asked who the fat guy in the moon was, and I told her it's the same guy that shimmied down the chimney and dropped off the gifts under our measly little tree. Merry Christmas, everyone, and happy new year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Daddy's little Enforcer...
This was the Christmas card that was sent out this year. We figured out that we didn't order nearly enough to send to everyone we wanted to, so if you didn't get one, I SWEAR you were next on the list.